+91 9898215087

Air Fast Metal to Metal Bonding Adhesive

Air Fast methyl cyanoacrylate adhesive is specially formulated for bonding metal applications. Ethyl cyanoacrylate adhesive is suitable for miscellaneous applications like metals, plastics, ceramics, rubbers, stone etc.
Epoxy double component, acrylic adhesives are widely used because of weather resistance and high bonding power requirements. Air fast methyl adhesive in metal application is used where the high bonding is needed instantly.

Badges manufacturing, metal logos fixing, magnet with metal etc
Aluminium to WPC, Metal to metal, Aluminium to Aluminium, Aluminium to Rubber, Aluminium to Plastics
Metal to wood pasting etc.
• Air Fast high viscosity adhesive is ideal for surfaces which are porous & full of gaps.
• The thick feature of glue does not get absorbed, fills the gaps which makes it smoother & helps in bonding of the two surfaces.
• Even a small amount of glue can provide the desired result.
• Available in user-friendly bottles
• Absolute water resistant
• 20, 50, 250 gms
Store Under 20 degrees/ Do not expose to direct sunlight
Surface requirements
Area should be clean of any rust or dirt
Cure time
8-10 minutes
Safety Measures
• Read the instructions before use
• Always wear gloves for protection
• Keep away from eyes & out of children’s reach
• Always close the lid firmly after use, otherwise the quality may get compromised due to moisture in the air.
• If the glue sticks to your hands, remove it with the help of acetone/ warm water.
• Do not panic in case of an accident, rush to a doctor
Tech Specifications
Shelf Life: 5-6 months